Sometimes a blockage forms on a milk duct in the breast.

The area then becomes painful, hard, and sometimes red.

This can lead to mastitis and therefore fever.

And this often happens at night, to top it off!

It is difficult to write down the procedure, so I invite you to watch the video linked below.

 Take a drop of oil or liniment, and press hardon the painful area (yes it hurts a lot) from the base of the breast towards the nipple going well up to the nipple, the idea being to get the stagnant milk or blockage moving; and repeat over the entire area as many times as necessary, this will take at least 10 minutes sometimes more, in several times.

The breast pump will also help but you have to manually act on the area at the same time….

Repeat the maneuver as many times as necessary, this often takes several nighttime awakenings in addition to breastfeeding.

You can also press on the area while breastfeeding, this will help a lot too.

I send you all my sympathy if you needed this article because I found myself in this situation several times, and I will always remember it.



Here is an interesting video that explains how to deal with this situation:
